Sunday, July 29, 2012

Good Sunday Morning

Well the countdown is less that ONE week. I am sure all of you are over reading about my giddy, super excitement but... well... tough. I am going to catch you up on randoms today, and hope to post everyday this week to help me remember everything. Lofty goals.

1. We got our bands yesterday, they had been on layaway for quite some time - and we picked them up. I also had to give them my engagement ring so they could sauter them together. I feel naked.  Justin didn't want fancy or diamonds in his (ummm, why not? was my question??) but I now have to guard his band until Saturday - not like I haven't been losing things left and right this week.

2. We also purchased this yesterday. So far so good :)

3. Does anyone else ever feel like they are eating sour cream when they eat Greek Yogurt? It is so stinkin' thick (I love it, don't get me wrong) but some times it is too thick. 

4. Today we are going to a place called Candy Land. We need candy for the candy bar and what better of  a spot than Candy Land. That is if we could ever get moving. 

5. I still need earrings for Saturday. I only work one day this week so I will be trying to find some ASAP. I don't usually wear earrings so I doubt they stay in the whole night, but I am going to try!

6. If you didn't know I AM soooo excited :) 

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