Wednesday, February 2, 2011

joy of love: day 01 & 02

The Joy of Love workshop  has started on the 1st but after I read about it today I didn't care, I had to do to it.  It's all about snapping pics of the ones you love. You are given a new theme every day and a few tips and told to go at it. I am always excited to take pictures and any help I can get, I need.  I am cheating, I am not using my actual camera for the first two days, rather my iPhone - but I didn't want to get too far behind, I promise from here on out current and camera taken pictures.

The first day's theme was  "what they do."  The first "they" is Justin, you'll see a lot of him in the next 28 days...

Day 2 - Theme - How he looks...

Meet Buster, the other man in my life....


  1. Loving your photos! What do you use to edit them?

  2. I used Picnik, I have been debating paying the 5$ for all the extras but for now, I use the free stuff.

  3. What a neat link up!
    Buster is such a cutie!
    PicNik is a great free website to use!
