What I am lovin' Wednesdays..... Go visit Jaimie and see what Everyone else is loving :)
Ummm, Hello - Words With Friends! Y'all play? If you do, my name is cawvu. Justin and I play, it has kinda taken over our alone time, HA. Monday night we turned it off to have alone time only to pick up our phones after the movie was over. Sad and pathetic I know. But it does get pretty heated... Case in point
I am loving all the hype around March Madness. Last year WVU made it to the Final Four - I went to Syracuse to watch an Elite 8 game. It was awesome. Quite possibly one of the best sports moments in my life. I am not quite so sure we will make it as far, but MM always is a good time.
I am loving that Spring will be here before we know it.
I am loving that every night I get to come home and kiss this handsome man...
I've never played Words with Friends but I know tons of my friends are addicted to it. I may have to try it out now..